Revised entitlements for leased residential accommodation for officers of EPFO


Revised entitlements for leased residential accommodation for officers of EPFO

Revised entitlements for leased residential accommodation for officers of EPFO enhancement of rates-regarding

कर्मचारी भविष्‍य निधि संगठन
(श्रम एवं रोजगार मंत्रालय, भारत सरकार)
Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation
मुख्‍य कार्यालय/Head Office
भविष्‍य निधि भवन, 14-भीकाजी कामा प्‍लेस, नई दिल्‍ली-110 066
Bhavishya Nidhi Bhawan, 14-Bhikaji Cama Place, New Delhi-110 066

No. HRM-8/V/25(9)/Lease Accommodation /658

Date: 09.07.2021


All Addl Central PF Commissioner (Zones/Head Office)/ Director (NATRSS) All Regional PF Commissioners (in-charge of the regions/ZTIs/ASD)
All Officer-in-charge of Sub-Regional Offices

Sub:- Revised entitlements for leased residential accommodation for officers of EPFO enhancement of rates-regarding


In accordance with the decision of the Executive Committee in its 76th meeting held on 25.02.2013. I am directed to convey that the competent authority has approved revised rates for hiring of leased residential accommodation for officers of the Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation. The revised entitlements for leased residential accommodation are as under:

Pay Band and Grade Pay as per 7th CPC Classification of Cities Existing Lease entitlement upto 28.02.2019 Revised Leased entitlement effective from 01.03.2019
PB-4 Level-13 & GP Rs.8700 (Now revised Level- 13-A GP Rs.8900) A-I Cities (X) Rs-25431 Rs.29245
PB-3 Level-12 & GP Rs.7600 Rs.22787 Rs.26205
PB-3 Level-11 & GP Rs.6600 Rs.20757 Rs.23870
PB-3 Level-10 & GP Rs.5400 Rs.18157 Rs.20880
PB-4 Level-13 & GP Rs.8700 (Now revised Level-13-A GP Rs.8900) A, B-I & B-2 Cities (Y) Rs.19782 Rs.22749
PB-3 Level-12 & GP Rs.7600 Rs.17724 Rs.20382
PB-3 Level-11  & GP Rs.6600 Rs.16145 Rs.18566
PB-3 Level-10  & GP Rs.5400 Rs.14122 Rs.16240
PB-4 Level-13 & GP Rs.8700 (Now revised Level-13-A GP Rs.8900) C & Unclassified
PB-3 Level-12 & GP Rs.7600 Rs.12659 Rs.14557
PB-3 Level-11 & GP Rs.6600 Rs.11532 Rs.13261
PB-3 Level-10 & GP Rs.5400 Rs.10088 Rs.11601
The entitlements for enhanced lease rent will be applicable with effect from 01.03.2019 for new accommodation to be hired. For existing accommodation lease rent may be revised only in accordance with the lease agreements subject to the lease rent entitlement of the officer concerned.

The facility would be available only to those officers who have All India transfer liability and/or do not have fixed tenure at any station.

(This issues with the approval of Competent Authority)

Yours faithfully

(Uma Mandal)
Addl. Central PF Commissioner (HRM)



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