Amendment in Para 3.4 and Para-5 of consolidated guidelines on deputation according to 7th CPC pay structure: Railway Board RBE No. 15/2022

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Amendment in Para 3.4 and Para-5 of consolidated guidelines on deputation according to 7th CPC pay structure: Railway Board RBE No. 15/2022

Amendment in Para 3.4 and Para-5 of consolidated guidelines on deputation according to 7th CPC pay structure: Railway Board RBE No. 15/2022


PC-VII No 180
RBE No. 15


New Delhi, dt.07.02.2022

The General Managers/Pr. Financial Advisors,
All Indian Railways & Production Units incl RDSO,
(As per Standard Mailing List)

Sub Amendment in Para 3.4 and Para-5 of consolidated guidelines on deputation issued vide OM No. 6/8/2009-Estt.(Pay-II) dated 17th June, 2010 according to 7th CPC pay structure-regarding.

Consolidated’ guidelines on ‘Deputation’ have been issued by DOP&T vide their O.M. No. 6/8/2009-Estt.(Pay-II) dated 17.06.2010 which have been adopted/circulated on the Railways vide Board’s letter No.2010/F(E)II/I(I)/I dated 28.07.2010.

2. Now, DOP&T have issued instructions vide their O.M. No. 2/10/2018-Estt.(Pay-II) dated 02.03.2021 and No. 2/9/2018-Estt.(Pay-II) dated 12.04.2021 amending the provisions contained in Para-5 and Para-3.4 respectively, of their O.M. dated 17.06.2010 according to 7th CPC pay structure, These instructions shall apply mutatis-mutandis to Railway employees also.

3. The instructions dated 02.03.2021 shall take effect from 01.01.2016 and shall be applicable to all officers who were on deputation on 01.01.2016 or appointed thereafter except for the revised rates of Deputation (Duty) Allowance which shall be applicable from 01.07.2017. A copy of these instructions is sent herewith for information/guidance.

4. Please acknowledge receipt.

(G. Priya Sudarsani)
Director, Finance (Estt.)
Railway Board

Encl: Amendment in Para 3.4 of deputation guidelines, consequent upon the implementation of 7th CPC: DoP&T OM

Encl: 7th CPC Pay Fixation on Deputation: DoP&T OM dated 02.03.2021 reg amendment to Para 5 of consolidated guidelines on deputation

Source: Railway Board PDF