Closure of Central Organisation for Modernisation of Workshops’ (COFMOW) with effect from 01.12.2022: Railway Board


Closure of Central Organisation for Modernisation of Workshops’ (COFMOW) with effect from 01.12.2022: Railway Board

Closure of Central Organisation for Modernisation of Workshops’ (COFMOW) with effect from 01.12.2022: Railway Board

भारत सरकार Government of India 
रेल मंत्रालय Ministry of Railways
रेलवे बोर्ड (Railway Board)

No. 2021/0&M/18/5/1(Space COFMOW)

New Delhi, dated 18.10.2022

Tilak Bridge
New Delhi.

Sub.: Rationalization of Government Bodies under Ministry of Railways -Closure of COFMOW

In line with the recommendation made by Principal Economic Advisor, Ministry of Finance on Rationalization of Government Bodies duly approved by Board, the Ministry of Railways has decided to close down the ‘Central Organisation for Modernisation of Workshops’ (COFMOW) with effect from 01.12.2022. Accordingly, following decisions/actions be implemented immediately:

a) No more tenders shall be floated/opened henceforth by COFMOW;

b) All sanctioned works against which tenders have yet not been finalised/ awarded or no contractual liability exists, be transferred immediately to the concerned Zonal Railway/PU;

c) All Contracts/Files/Documents be handed over/transferred to the concerned Zonal Railway/PU before 15.11.2022;

d) All non-gazetted posts of COFMOW be surrendered and the staff may be released/repatriated/re-deployed elsewhere as per their lien or as per their choice whenever possible;

e) Building and other Infrastructure of COFMOW be handed over to the Secretary branch of Railway Board by 30.11.2022 for further utilization;

f) The existing officers posted in COFMOW may be posted elsewhere by concerned Board Members, as deemed appropriate.

1.1 Compliance of action taken in respect of above be advised to Board’s Office before 30th November 2022.

2. Subsequent to closure of COFMOW, all references in the related matters including Parliament Questions, Audit para, RTI/VIP references etc. in Board’s Office will be handled/coordinated by the existing nodal Directorate viz. Mechanical(PU) in Railway Board or as decided by Board(M/TRS).

3. The above issues with the approval of competent authority.

Advisor/Admn/Railway Board
Email ID- buddhadey.majumdar[at]
Tele No.: 011-23387362

All Officers & Branches in Board’s Office, Dayabasti and at COFMOW.
AM/PU & PED/ME/W&D-for necessary action as above
JS/G & EO/Railway Board |

Copy for Information to:

1. CRB, M/Infra, M/TRS, M/O&BD, MF and Secretary/Rly. Bd.
2. Advisor(MR), EDPG/MR, OSD/Co-ord/MR, OSD/MR, Additional PS/MR, PS/MoSR(J), PS/MoSR(D)

Copy for information to :
General Managers, All Indian Railways/PUs, Other Units etc.

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