Re-engagement of retired Railway staff in Pay Level-1 to Pay Level-9 on contract basis: RBE No. 115/2024


Re-engagement of retired Railway staff in Pay Level-1 to Pay Level-9 on contract basis: RBE No. 115/2024

Re-engagement of retired Railway staff in Pay Level-1 to Pay Level-9 on contract basis: Railway Board Order No. RBE No. 115/2024 dated 31.12.2024

RBE No. 115/2024

रेलवे बोर्ड (RAILWAY BOARD)

No. E(NG)II/2024/RC-4/9

New Delhi, dated 31.12.2024

The General Manager (P)
All Zonal Railways/PUs & RDSO,
(As per Standard mail list)

Sub:- Re-engagement of retired Railway staff on contract basis.

Ref:- Board’s letter No. E(NG)II/2024/RC-4/9 dated 15.10.2024.

In terms of Board’s letter of even number cited under reference, all Zonal Railways/PUs & RDSO were authorized to re-engage non-gazetted Railway staff retired in Pay Level-1 to Pay Level-7 against the vacant posts subject to stipulation that he/she may be re-engaged against the post having the same pay-level held by him/her at the time of retirement.

2. It has now been decided to include non-gazetted posts in level 8 and 9 also under the ambit of the Board’s letter No. E(NG)II/2024/RC-4/9 dated 15.10.2024. Accordingly, para (i) of Board’s letter No. E(NG)II/2024/RC-4/9 dated 15.10.2024 stands modified to read as under.-

“(i) Non-gazetted Railway staff retired in Pay Level-1 to Pay Level-9 may be considered for re-engagement against the vacant posts subject to stipulation that he/she may be re-engaged against the post having the same pay-level held by him/her at the time of retirement.”

3. The above modification will be effective prospectively i.e. from the date of issue of these instructions.

4. Please acknowledge receipt.

(U. K. Tiwari)
Director, Estt.(N)
Railway Board

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  • Vishal 2 weeks ago

    Re-engagement of retired Railway staff in Pay Level-1 to Pay Level-9 on contract basis: RBE No. 115/2024 is notification ko Hindi main send kar do muje is mail id pe ya apni website pe dal do

    • संदर्भित समान क्रमांक के बोर्ड के पत्र के अनुसार, सभी मंडल रेलों/उत्पादन इकाइयों एवं आरडीएसओ को अधिकृत किया गया था कि वे वेतन स्तर-1 से वेतन स्तर-7 तक के रिक्त पदों के विरुद्ध सेवानिवृत्त हुए गैर-राजपत्रित रेलवे कर्मचारियों को पुनः नियुक्त करें, इस शर्त के अधीन कि उन्हें उसी वेतन स्तर के पद पर पुनः नियुक्त किया जाए, जो उन्होंने सेवानिवृत्ति के समय धारण किया था।

      2. अब यह निर्णय लिया गया है कि बोर्ड के पत्र क्रमांक E(NG)II/2024/RC-4/9 दिनांक 15.10.2024 के तहत वेतन स्तर-8 और 9 के गैर-राजपत्रित पदों को भी शामिल किया जाए। तदनुसार, बोर्ड के पत्र क्रमांक E(NG)II/2024/RC-4/9 दिनांक 15.10.2024 के पैरा (i) को निम्नानुसार संशोधित किया जाता है:

      “(i) वेतन स्तर-1 से वेतन स्तर-9 तक के गैर-राजपत्रित रेलवे कर्मचारियों को रिक्त पदों के विरुद्ध पुनः नियुक्ति के लिए विचार किया जा सकता है, इस शर्त के अधीन कि उन्हें उसी वेतन स्तर के पद पर पुनः नियुक्त किया जाए, जो उन्होंने सेवानिवृत्ति के समय धारण किया था।”