Search query: label/7th CPC Projected Pay

7th Pay Commission – Estimated Pay Scales shows substantial increase in salary for CG Employees
7th Pay Commission – Estimated Pay Scales shows substantial increase in salary for CG Employees
Hurry..! 7th Pay Commission’s report to be implement [...]

119% DA DR from July 2015 with 6% hike likely: June, 2015 CPI-IW released
As already calculated in March, 2015, April 2015, May, 2015 the DA/DR will be 119% with effect from July, 2015, it is
now confirmed [...]

119% DA-DR from July, 2015 confirmed after 2 points increase in May, 2015 AICPIN
As already calculated in
March, 2015 &
April 2015 Expected DA/DR will be 119% with effect from July, 2015, it is
now confirmed with 2 point [...]

Expected DA DR from July-2015 @ 118%-119%: AICPIN released for April-2015
As speculated in last month with
March, 2015 AICPIN the Expected DA will be 119% from July, 2015 with small
variation in second half of current [...]

Expected DA DR from July-2015 – 118% or 119%: AICPIN released for March-2015
Expectation of DA/DR from July, 2015 on the basis of AICPIN of March, 2015 is
now more clear. The 1 point increase in March, 2015 AICPIN aft [...]
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