
Monthly Motivation Scheme extraordinary/innovative work done by officers/staff

Monthly Motivation Scheme extraordinary/innovative work done by officers/staff: PCDA(CC) Circular
Office of the Principal Controller of Defence Accounts (Central Command) 
Cariappa Road, Cantt, Lucknow, Pin Code-226002
Dt. 16.03.2016
All sections in Main Office
All sub-offices

Sub: Monthly Motivation Scheme

It has been decided by the Competent Authority to recognize the extraordinary/innovative work done by officers/staff (up to SAO level) every month.
2. To begin with, nominations are being invited for the whole financial year 2015-16. Such nomination should be sent to AN-lA section by 11.04.2016. Thereafter nomination for every month should be submitted till 10th of succeeding month.
3. The areas of work to be considered are illustrated (SOP & format as per Annexure โ€˜Aโ€™). However. these areas are illustrative and other innovative areas not covered herein may also be considered while forwarding the names.
4. The nominations must have recommendations of the AAO/AO/SAO i.e., immediate superior of the official/officer concerned. Concerned GO would thereafter recommend the names to the committee.
5. The selected individuals would be given PCDAโ€™s commendation at the end of every month.
Encl: as above.
(Raj Kumar)
Click here to read full Circular

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