Kendriya Vidyalaya Admission Guidelines: Details of Admission procedure, eligible age for admission, reservation in admission, Transfer from one KV to another KV, Fresh Admission guidelines and special provisions
Kendriya Vidyalaya Admission Guidelines: Kendriya Vidyalayas released Admission Guidelines for 2020-21, this Guidelines has complete details, mainly details about admission procedure, eligible age for admission, reservation in admission, Transfer from one KV to another KV, Fresh Admission guidelines and special provisions so on.
This guideline has three parts PART-A General Guidelines, PART-B Special Provisions, PART C, Admission Procedure
Kendriya Vidyalaya Admission Guidelines
In supersession of all the guidelines governing admissions in Kendriya Vidyalayas that have been issued in the past, the following guidelines are issued to regulate admissions in the Kendriya Vidyalayas with effect from the academic session 2020-21 & onwards. These guidelines are not applicable to Kendriya Vidyalayas located abroad.
Unless the context suggests otherwise, the definition of the following terms used in these guidelines would be as below: –
(i). CENTRAL GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES: An employee who is regular (i.e. an employee working on that post sanctioned by the Government in substantive capacity) and draws his emoluments from the Consolidated Fund of India.
(ii). TRANSFERABLE: An employee who has been transferred at least once in the preceding 7 years shall be deemed to be transferable.
(iii). TRANSFER: An employee would be treated as transferred only if he/she has been transferred by the competent authority from one place/urban agglomeration to another place/urban agglomeration which is at a distance of at least 20 Kms. and minimum period of stay at a place should be six months.
(iv). AUTONOMOUS BODIES / PUBLIC SECTOR UNDERTAKINGS: Organizations which are fully financed by the government or where the government share is more than 51 per cent would be deemed to be autonomous bodies/ public sector undertakings.
(v). SINGLE GIRL CHILD: Single Girl Child means the only child i.e. only girl child to the parents, with no other siblings.
Priorities in Admissions in Kendriya Vidyalaya: KVS Admission Guidelines 2020-21
4. Eligible Age for Admission
Eligible Age Criteria For Admission in Kendriya Vidyalaya: KVS Admission Guidelines 2020-21
5. Class Strength and Competent Authorities
Class Strength and Competent Authorities in Kendriya Vidyalaya: KVS Admission Guidelines 2020
6. Reservation in Admission
Reservation in Admission in Kendriya Vidyalaya: Get Category wise details โ KVS Admission Guidelines 2020
7. Admission with KV Transfer Certificate including Local Transfer (TC)
Admission with KV Transfer Certificate including Local Transfer (TC): KVS Admission Guidelines 2020-21
8. Students of N.I.O.S / State Boards/ ICSE For Admission in Class XI in Kendriya Vidyalayas
The students of State Boards/ICSE/NIOS may be considered for admission in class XI if vacancies exist.
9. Fresh Admission for Class X and XII
Fresh Admission for Class X and XII in Kendriya Vidyalaya: KVS Admission Guidelines 2020-21
10. Admission of Children Studying Abroad Seats
A KV Student, who went abroad with his parents on their deputation to a foreign country, will be admitted to corresponding class on their return to India by the Principal of Kendriya Vidyalaya, where admission is being sought (such admissions will be over and above the class strength)
11. Admission for Vacant Seats
Admission for Vacant Seats Special Provision for Admission in Kendriya Vidyalaya: KVS Admission Guidelines 2020-21
An advertisement for online registration to Class-I shall be issued by the Regional Office in the local newspapers for session 2020-21 in 1st week of May, giving the admission schedule (Annexure follows) and inviting Parents to register their wards for admission in Kendriya Vidyalayas. This advertisement should specifically indicate that admissions in Kendriya Vidyalayas are not restricted to Central Govt. employees and are open to all, only certain priorities have been laid down for different categories to regulate the admissions. The reservations for SC, ST, OBC-NCL and Differently Able under RTE Act 2009 should also be indicated.
(i) Registration shall not be done if there is no vacancy or likelihood of any vacancy in a particular class. In case a vacancy arises in future, registration can be made after giving wide publicity at local level/Vidyalaya website and admission can be granted as per KVS Admission Guidelines.
(ii) In case the number of children seeking registration is less because of which all seats have not been filled up, the Principal shall issue a second advertisement in the month June notifying the availability of vacancies.
(iii) Admissions are required to be made with the approval of the Executive Committee of the Vidyalaya. In case the Executive Committee does not approve the admissions up to the full sanctioned strength of the class, the Principal shall intimate this fact to the Deputy Commissioner who may approve the admissions.
(iv) Registration for class XI shall be taken up immediately after the declaration of results of class X and admissions up to the full strength of the class should be completed within 20 days after declaration of results by CBSE. In case there is any difficulty in admitting children up to the full strength because of the Executive Committee of the Vidyalaya not approving the same, the procedure as laid down for other classes above shall be followed and admissions up to the sanctioned strength of the class shall be made by 30th June with the approval of the Deputy Commissioner.
View: Details of the Admission Procedure From Class I and II to VIII and IX and XI in Kendriya Vidyalaya: KVS Admission Guidelines 2020
Source: Click here to download the PDF