DA on Encashment of Leave & Gratuity : PCDA(O) Message No. 17/2021

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DA on Encashment of Leave & Gratuity : PCDA(O) Message No. 17/2021

DA on Encashment of Leave & Gratuity : PCDA(O) Message No. 17/2021 i.r.o. Indian Army Officers


Message No. 17/2021

DA on Encashment of Leave & Gratuity – Regarding

Lately, GoI, MoF, New Delhi letter, No. 1(5)/E.V/2020 dated 07/09/2021 regarding ‘Central Govt employees retired during the period from January 2020 to June 2021- calculation of Gratuity and Cash payment in lieu of Leave- regarding’, is doing rounds in the environment, however, the same has not been received in this office through proper permissible channel of official communication till date. There have been several enquiries from Army Officers & Army Authorities on this account, through various modes & various channels of communication. MoD, New Delhi order on the above subject, has not been received. As and when MoD orders are received, necessary action will be taken by the O/o the PCDA (O), Pune. This has been put up for kind information of Indian Army Officers to avoid queries in this matter along with the attached anxiety.

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