Appointment on compassionate ground – Acquisition of higher qualification: Railway Board Order RBE No. 68/2020


Appointment on compassionate ground – Acquisition of higher qualification: Railway Board Order RBE No. 68/2020

Appointment on compassionate ground – Acquisition of higher qualification: Railway Board Order RBE No. 68/2020


RBE No.68/2020

No. E(NG)II/2020/RC-1/CR/09

New Delhi, dated 19.08.2020

The General Manager (P)
All Zonal Railways & PUs

Sub: Appointment on compassionate ground – Acquisition of higher qualification. 

Consequent to the decision to permit candidates to postpone CGA for completion of higher EQ, made within 2 years from attaining majority as contained in Board’s letter No. E(NG)II/22003/RC-1/Genl/4 dated 19.06.2019(RBE No.100/2019), clarification has been sought by Zonal Railways about the authority competent to grant such permission. Generally, DRMs/CWMs/HODs are the competent authority to approve Compassionate Ground Appointment upto level-6 while cases for Level-7 require approval of GM. However, in order to maintain uniformity, it has been decided that approval for candidates to postpone CGA for completion of higher EQ, made within 2 years from attaining majority may be considered at DRM/HOD/CWM’s level, since compassionate ground appointment cases usually arise at their level. However for all other cases including old cases where approval of GM may be required, such approval should be taken at the GM level.

This disposes of Central Railway’s letter No. P/CR/ HQ/REC/CGA/ 122/100/Policy/ Higher qualification dated 03.02.2020.

Director Estt (N)Railway Board
Phone No.: 011-23047597

No. E(NG)II/2020/RC-1/CR/09

New Delhi, dated 19.08.2020


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