Scheme of Annual Awards to the Principals/ Headmasters/ Teachers/ Students – Railway Schools


Scheme of Annual Awards to the Principals/ Headmasters/ Teachers/ Students – Railway Schools

Scheme of Annual Awards to the Principals/ Headmasters/ Teachers/ Students – Railway Schools

Scheme of Annual Awards

With a view to improve the quality of education in Railway Schools by generating a spirit of competition amongst Railway Schools and providing incentives to the Principals/Headmasters/ Teachers/Students for achieving excellence, a scheme or annual awards from the academic year 1999-2000 has been introduced as per following details:-

Sl No. Award Zonal Level Railway Board Level
1 Best Teacher Rs.4000/­- Rs.5000/­-
2 Best Student Rs.3000/­- Rs.4000/-
3 Principal/Head Master of Best School Rs.4500/- Rs. 5000/-
4 Best School Running Shield Running Shield

Criterion for selection will be:

Best Teacher – Effectiveness of teaching, dedication to work, leadership qualities for inspiring students and promotion of extra curricular activities.

Best Students – On the basis of marks obtained in Public Examination.

Best School – Academic performance reflected through pass percentage, distinctions, 1st divisions in Public Exams and local exams (Weightage 50% ), achievement in games and sports (20%), literary and cultural activities (20%), Scouts and guides (10%)

Best Principal/ Headmaster – Incumbent of School adjudged best

From amongst the Best Teacher/Student/School/Principal/headmasters by the individual Railway Units, Railway Board will select the best for award at Boards level. The awards will be given during Railway Week Celebrations.
(Railway Board’s letter No. E(W)99/ED-2/l. dated 24.3.2000)

Though all efforts have been taken to include all the relevant circulars on the subject, if any circular that has not been superseded happens to be omitted, the circular which has been omitted through over-sight will still hold the field. Anyone coming across such circular may bring it to the notice of the Railway Board for suitable action for issuing a supplementary circular.

The consolidation made in the Master Circular should be construed only as a key to the original circular and not a substitution. In case of any doubt, the original circular(s) referred to in the Master circular will be relied upon as authority.

It should be noted that orders/instruction issued under the various circulars have only prospective effect from the date of issue of the relevant original letter (s), 1mless specifically stated otherwise in the concerned letter. Hence, for dealing with old cases, the instructions in force at the relevant time have to be referred.

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