Submission of Annual Immovable Property Returns by Government official under C.C.S. (C) Rules-1964


Submission of Annual Immovable Property Returns by Government official under C.C.S. (C) Rules-1964

Submission of Annual Immovable Property Returns by Government official under C.C.S. (C) Rules-1964 – PCA(Fys.) Circular dated 02.12.2022


कार्यालय, प्रधान लेखा नियंत्रक (फै.)
Office of the P.C.A, (FYS)
10-ए, शहीद खुदीराम बोस रोड, कोलकाता -1

No. 789 /AN- IV/ AAO /PR /Vol-I

DATED: 02 /12/2022


1) Field Accounts Office, Field Units
2) All Sections in Main Office including Railway Section, R.T.C. (ER)
3) Website Development Cell, E.D.P., M.O.

Sub: – Submission of Annual Immovable Property Returns by Government official under C.C.S. (C) Rules-1964.


In accordance with the Provisions under CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964, and HQrs. Office letter No. AN/XIII/13006/VolI-XXII dt.15/12/2015 every Government Servant holding a Group-‘B’(upto AAO), ‘C’ and erstwhile Group-D post is required to submit an Annual Immovable Property Return in such form, as prescribed, in this regard, giving full details regarding the immovable property inherited by him/her or owned acquired by him/her or held on lease or mortgage either in his/her own name or in the name of any member of his/her family or in the name of any other person. It has been prescribed in M.H.A., O.M. No. 25/10/55- Estt. (A) dated 12th January 1956 that such returns shall be submitted in the prescribed form for the present calendar year by 31st January of the next year.

2. As such, it is requested to enjoin upon all such officials serving under your control to furnish the Annual Immovable Property Returns in the prescribed form (copy enclosed) in respect of the calendar year 2022 by 31st January 2023. Further, it may please be impressed upon all the officials that necessary details viz. Name, A/c No, Grade, Name of the current office and date of filing of return may please be furnished in the Annual Immovable Property Return to facilitate linking at this end and to furnish the full/complete detail of all the immovable property (ies) instead of writing remarks like “no change” or “same as last year” etc.

3. Hence, it is requested to strictly maintain the date of furnishing of Annual IPR in one lot to this section/ office by 31/01/2023 duly scrutinized and endorsing the remarks on each IPR that the “current Annual IPR has been paired with previous Annual IPR and found correct”.

4. No hard copy will be provided.

Encl: As above

(K. Lalbianga, IDAS)
Dy. Controller of Accounts (Fys)

View: Proforma of Immovable Property Return: Image, Doc File & PDF

